Student Services
St. Philip Catholic Central High School
St. Philip Catholic Central High School Student Services personnel provides ongoing and comprehensive college placement services that include college visits, college recruitment events, testing, college application support, counseling, scholarships and financial aid information.
Our freshmen and sophomores juniors take the PSAT in April, while our juniors take the PSAT in October. Our juniors take the SAT, ACT Work Keys, and the MSTEP in April.
Saturday School Tutoring Program
This complimentary program is offered one Saturday each month, to students at St. Philip Catholic Central High School as an opportunity to receive one-on-one tutoring and remediation. Each session is staffed with at least one math and one English teacher from St. Philip. There are weekly tutoring sessions as well. We are proud to offer these services for our students.
St. Joseph Catholic Middle School
A smaller advisory class provides support at the end of the day which focuses on helping the students to become better organized. Help with school work is also provided during this advisory time. After School Homework Club is available as needed.
Child study meetings address students identified with concerns, where the staff and parents will determine the need for evaluation, and with parental input, develop a plan of action. Parents are encouraged to contact our principal with any concerns about their child.
St. Joseph Catholic Elementary and Preschool
St. Joseph Elementary classroom teachers and staff work to provide students with strategies and skills that assist them with their academic, social, and emotional needs.
Based on classroom performance and ongoing results of NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) Measures of Academic Progress testing, together determines the optimum level of support for each student to achieve success. Classroom teachers determine the individual goals for students, and when applicable, may utilize special education consultants using each student’s current data and classroom learning needs to set and realize goals.

Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools
Students will know the Faith, share the Faith, and live the Faith