St. Joseph Catholic Preschool Enrollment

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Have questions? Contact Cathy Erskine at (269) 963-1131.

Re-enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is now OPEN!

Current families, please log into your FACTS Family Portal account to complete your re-enrollment and follow these instructions.

Re-Enroll Now

  1. Select “Logins” from the menu bar and “Family Portal” from the drop-down menu.
  2. Type in your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on the link provided.
  3. Click on the Enrollment/Re-enrollment button.
  4. To complete your re-enrollment, your registration fee will be billed through your existing FACTS account, and payable with your current method of payment used for tuition. If you need additional payment options, please contact Kristen Leifeld at to complete your registration.

Have questions? Contact Cathy Erskine at (269) 963-1131.

Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools

Students will know the Faith, share the Faith, and live the Faith

Questions? Call Cathy Erskine at 269.963.1131