St. Joseph Catholic Middle School

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Grades: 6th grade through 8th grade

Amy Schaub, Principal

School Hours
7:50 a.m. to 2:50 p.m

St. Joseph Catholic Middle School

St. Joseph Catholic Middle School offers a faith-filled, student-centered education designed for the unique needs of early adolescents. With a personalized approach, every student is guided by a dedicated staff advisor, fostering academic growth and social-emotional well-being. Equipped with individual Chromebooks, students build technological fluency while exploring diverse extracurricular opportunities. Our program features weekly Mass, daily theology classes, and service-learning projects that cultivate leadership, faith, and a lifelong commitment to service before self. Specialized Confirmation preparation helps students deepen their understanding of this essential sacrament. With exceptional NWEA test scores, St. Joseph Catholic Middle School ensures students are fully prepared for high school success and beyond.

Emergency Drills

Check out what we are doing now!



Tiger Tracks

To see the calendar, school (weather) closings, hot lunch menus, staff directory, RenWeb, FACTS, and SCRIP:

Quick Links

Student Uniforms

You may order your St. Joseph Catholic Middle School uniform shirts from the Action Gear website here:
Orders received during the summer months will be collected and then delivered to the schools in time for the Open House/Meet the Teacher dates in August. You can contact Action Gear at
269-372-1500 with questions.

Spirit Wear

BCACS Spirit Wear can be purchased here:

Student Resources

Supply list for St. Joseph Catholic Middle School

MS Supply List PDF

St. Joseph Catholic Middle School Handbook

MS Handbook PDF

Technology use agreement for St. Joseph Catholic Middle School

Technology PDF

Dress Code for St. Joseph Catholic Middle School

MS Dress Code PDF

Support services offered at St. Joseph Catholic Middle School

Student Services

Students will know the Faith, share the Faith, and live the Faith

Faith Development

Parent Resources

Volunteer groups that support our schools

Volunteer Opportunities

BCACS Advisory Board

School Board

Protecting Young Eyes: Defending Kids from Online Danger

Protecting Young Eyes

“We have found 'Protecting Young Eyes' to be one of the best programs for parents that clearly spells out the issues and dangers that children are facing today in regard to the use of technology. It gives parents the tools and resources needed to guide their children.”

~Margaret Erich, Superintendent, Office of Schools, Diocese of Kalamazoo


Athletics offered at St. Joseph Catholic Middle School


MHSAA Athletic Form


St. Joseph Catholic Middle School Athletic Agreement

Athletic Agreement PDF

Arts & Music

Arts and music opportunities offered at St. Joseph Catholic Middle School

Arts & Music


Enrichment opportunities “beyond the classroom” at St. Joseph Catholic Middle School


Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools

Students will know the Faith, share the Faith, and live the Faith

Questions? Call Cathy Erskine at 269.963.1131