Arts & Music

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Arts & Music

Fine Arts play a key role in developing the brainpower it takes to explore, create or calculate. Continual exposure and instruction in the arts have been found to:

  • Raise academic scores
  • Teach cooperation and teamwork
  • Grant emotional stability
  • Create self-esteem

Exposure to the arts has proven to be invaluable to our children, our educational system and our humanity. Studies have shown that music, art and drama can teach children many skills that they cannot learn through pencil and paper activities. A fine arts education is essential to a child’s mental and emotional development.

Visual Art
Kindergarten through 12th grade students are taught the fundamentals of art including the basic elements (line, shape, value, texture, color) and principles (balance, rhythm, repetition, harmony, unity, variety…) with which to express themselves creatively.

Their joy in creating visual art is another means of singing back to God who first created us. Most of our students also display their art online and/or enter local, regional and national art competitions.

Available at: High School, Middle School, Elementary School

Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools Band Programs
Experts have concluded that the study of music helps with spatial reasoning, test taking, and overall quality of life! Band allows students to exercise social skills, emotional development, leadership training, group interaction, aesthetic perception, music making, and the discipline of being in a band program. This is why we value and include band instruction for students at St. Joseph Elementary, Middle School and St. Philip Catholic Central High School.

Available at: High School, Middle School, Elementary School

Middle School Choir–Elective
The St. Joseph Middle School Choirs study and sing a variety of music in class. We present two concerts each year: Christmas and Spring. Our choirs are often invited by the community to sing for local nursing homes, Veterans Administration Medical Center and area service clubs. Each choir serves as the Mass Choir for our weekly school Mass.

Available at: Middle School

Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools

Students will know the Faith, share the Faith, and live the Faith

Questions? Call Cathy Erskine at 269.963.1131