If you are a member of our BCACS family, you’ve probably heard about the Cereal City BBQ Festival taking place May 3-4 on the school grounds – the games, the contests, the raffle, the bands, the food.

But did you know the Cereal City BBQ Festival is all about our schools?

“Expenses have gone up, facility upgrades are needed, and we have more and more families that are applying for tuition assistance,” said Jim Austin, BCACS alumni, parent, and finance committee member. “We wanted to create an event that was fun but would also attract families from outside the school and parishes to help bear the cost.”

Given the success of Ribfest in Kalamazoo, Mr. Austin and a team of invested parents set out to design a BBQ-themed event in Battle Creek, one that would become an annual tradition.

There is a BBQ contest for who can grill the best meat in the creek, as well as a full BBQ menu for festival-goers, including creative combinations like the BBQ Sundae or the BBQ Nachos. Michigan beers and wines will be available, along with soft drinks. While the BBQ chefs are battling it out, so will the musicians. Audience members will decide which of the nine live bands will walk away as the Cereal City BBQ Festival Battle of the Bands Champion.

There will be a Kids Zone, featuring giant inflatables, face painting, a kid raffle, as well as a Teen Night with a DJ, and a Movie Night in the gym. Wristbands are available for purchase, which give kids access to the fun and two meals.

The Cereal City BBQ Raffle offers large cash prizes, as well as an on-site 50/50 raffle. The Live Auction on Saturday will feature vacations, games tickets, and life experiences.

A full schedule of events is at www.bcacs.org/bbq-fest.

“We wanted it to feel like a city-wide event,” Mr. Austin said. “My hope is over the years it grows to the point where we are blocking off streets and making this a huge festival for the whole community.”

A huge festival whose profits would go directly to our schools.

“Spring was one season we thought we could capitalize on while the kids were still in school,” Mr. Austin said. “We are hoping it will be the level of Superfest in upcoming years.”

Much like Superfest, we need volunteers to work the event, including raffle sales, admissions, beverage cart, food tent, and children’s activities. Many hands make light work, especially when working alongside our school family.

And this event is 100% for our school families.

“Once people see the festival and they have fun, they will be excited to help out,” Mr. Austin said.

Signing up is easy. Click the link below to view categories, dates, and times. Pick whatever fits in your schedule.

Questions? Want to enter the contest? Need to buy a raffle ticket or a children’s wristband? Contact Jim Austin at (517) 648-1001 or jima700@comcast.net or visit www.bcacs.org/bbq-fest.

Senior Spotlight: Brodie Landstra, Taylor Hood, Eryn Crocker, & Quian (George) Ong
Senior Spotlight: Abigail Hill, Michael Hluang, Alexis Pessetti, & Matthew Gordon
Questions? Call Cathy Erskine at 269.963.1131