Jade Klon
Jade Klon is an artist who hopes to expand her skills into the baking industry.
She wants to go to Kellogg Community College before she transfers to Kendall Culinary Arts School in Chicago, Illinois.
Why Kendall Culinary Arts School?
“I asked my dad what were [some] good cooking schools and that is the one he told me,” Jade said.
Jade’s parents are both chefs, so it is no surprise that she seeks a career in a similar field. However similar they may be, cooking and baking are very different in terms of taste and preparation.
Jade’s favorite sweet treat to make and bake are apple rose pastries.
Jade interns in human resources through City Hall, but Jade doesn’t plan on owning a business or managing employees in the future.
“I don’t want to own a [bakery], I just want to be able to make [food],” Jade said. “Managing it all is too stressful for me.”
By: Magdalene J. Hill, Class of 2019
Crystal Mejia-Lugo
Crystal Mejia-Lugo plans on going to Central Michigan University like her older sister Diana, a 2016 BCACS alum. This Top Ten senior wants to major in either marketing or human resources.
Crystal received some real world experience in human resources through her internship with the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. She credits her work there with exposing her to different aspects of a business career.
Although Crytal will attend college in her home state, she wants to study abroad during her college experience.
“[I like] the thought of being somewhere different, taking in a different culture and different way of life, exploring, and getting to know people,” Crystal said.
It was hard for Crystal to pinpoint a favorite high school memory, but one year stood out in her mind.
“Sophomore year was fun because I wasn’t new, but I wasn’t old either,” Crystal said.
By: Magdalene J. Hill, Class of 2019
Zijie Dong
Zijie Dong has come to the United States from China to attend high school and college. So where is the next destination on his road to success?
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Zijie wants to study computer programming. He was always interested in the subject, but it wasn’t until his freshman year in Digital Media class where he found his forte.
“I like using my computer to do coding things,” Zijie said.
Zijie has a fixed interest in the math and sciences. His favorite club is the Science Club, and his favorite class is Statistics. He even landed an internship with City Hall in the IT department.
Surprisingly, the highlight of his senior year had nothing to do with science or math or computer programming.
“I liked the senior field trip to [Notre Dame],” Zijie said, “I got to hang out with my friends and walk around the school.”
By: Magdalene J. Hill, Class of 2019
Joseph Janofski
Joseph Janofski is ready for his next step at Kellogg Community College this fall.
Joey plans on attending the nursing program available at KCC before transferring to either Michigan State or Western Michigan University.
“I like the health field, and I’m too dumb to be a surgeon,” Joey said.
It was hard for Joey to find an internship for the medical field as a high school student. He pursued a senior internship in business, which he currently serves with Battle Creek Unlimited.
“I was interested in business, but I didn’t want to pursue it as a career,” Joey said.
When it came to sports, Joey didn’t want to score goals, shoot hoops, or pass footballs. Joey instead preferred running for the cross country and track teams. He also loves the close-knit community St. Philip offers though sports.
“The teams are really small which made me have a lot more friends here,” Joey said.
By: Magdalene J. Hill, Class of 2019