We asked our BCACS community what they were thankful for and received a generous response. If your Thanksgiving Spirit needs a little boost, keep reading.

Another artistic expression of thanks from one of our elementary students.
I’m thankful for turkey! Yup, turkey.
~Ledger Walsh, transitional kindergarten
I am thankful for being able to play sports, my family, my friends, being able to breathe, given time, to go to school, get an education, to do things, Mrs. Summers, being healthy, and most importantly I am thankful for having God on my side.
~Pedro Reyes, 10th grade
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks to God for His many blessings. In a way, we could call every Sunday, too, “Thanksgiving Day” since the Eucharist literally means “Thanksgiving!”
~Fr. John Fleckenstein, St. Philip Pastor and St. Philip High School Theology Teacher
I am thankful for great teachers.
~Reece Parshall, 6th grade

Every middle school student expressed their thanks with an artistic turkey.
We are thankful for our dedicated and loving teachers and staff.
We are thankful for our supportive families.
We are thankful for our kids, the reason we do what we do!
~Sara Myers & Vicky Groat, BCACS principals
I am thankful for God who gives me life.
I am thankful for my parents who support me all the time.
I am thankful for my brother who gives me a ride every day.
I am thankful for my sisters who make my life better every day.
I am thankful for my Dad who works hard every day for our family.
I am thankful for my friends who share their happiness with me and help me through a hard time.
I am thankful for St. Philip for giving me the best education.
I am very thankful for the teachers who share their life with me.
I am thankful for Paul who always has been a good friend to me and treats me like a little sister.
~Marina Par, 10th grade
I’m thankful for my parishes of St Joseph and St Jerome. I’m thankful for my St Joseph School, all the very beautiful places where our awesome Catholic faith is prayed, believed and lived, and I’m thankful for the gift of Priesthood. Our Lord has given me a vocation I love so very much.
~Fr. Chris Ankley, St. Joseph Pastor

Thanksgiving comes the third-grade hall.
I am thankful for my mom and dad.
~Raelynn Philips, transitional kindergarten
I am thankful for Jesus and God the Father.
~Giselle Tapia, 6th grade
I am thankful for having a Catholic school to go to so I can grow up being closer to God. I am thankful for my theology teacher Mr. Wojcik so he can teach me more things on how I can become a saint and spend an eternity with my Father.
~Adelaida Hernandez Mendez, 10th grade
I’m so grateful for my family, which includes the BCACS family. The love and support that is extended to one another is truly God’s love in action.
~Cathy Erskine, BCACS Enrollment Manager

St. Philip High School NHS Thanksgiving board.
I am thankful for Jesus for giving me another year to live. Also for my teachers for teaching me things I didn’t know before. I am thankful for my family for making me laugh. Am also thankful for my friends because they are so fun to hang with, and also they feel me.
~Rosa Hernandez-Mendez, 9th grade
I am thankful for my life.
~Mary Sui, 6th grade
I am thankful for good health, good friends, my parents, my religion, having a home, an opportunity to get an education, the ability to do things, being alive, and having time.
~Noel Lian, 10th grade
It is hard to pin it down to one thing – friends, family, job, health, the sun, the moon, and the stars, and everything in between
~Riki Albert, Transitional Kindergarten Aid

Thanksgiving comes to our elementary school classrooms.
My family, my dad’s friend Kevin, who comes every Thanksgiving, and Jesus.
~Drew Westover, 3rd grade
I am thankful for being able to go to a Catholic school and learn about God. I’m thankful for my family and friends.
~Natalie Monarrez, 10th grade
I am thankful for our soldiers, at home and abroad, and for all they do to protect our freedoms. And I am thankful for all God’s grace and comfort!
~Jeanine Winkler, St. Joseph Elementary School Administrative Assistant
He is thankful for his brothers, Declan and Damon.
~Callan Kipp, preschool (Mrs. Winkler helped)

Every middle school student expressed their thanks with an artistic turkey.
I am thankful for the sunshine and my friends. I am also grateful for my parents.
~McKenzee Kositzke, 10th grade
I am thankful for my years and God’s gift of strength and time.
~Mrs. Brown, BCACS volunteer of over 15 years
I’m thankful for my mother and everything that she has done for me, my siblings and all the patience they have taught me, a particular individual at St. Philip High School who helped me understand why God sent me to Battle Creek, my classmates and the patience they have helped me attain, and for Mr. Wojcik who is by far the coolest teacher at STP.
~Natalie Skutt, 10th grade
I am thankful for my family and friends. I am also thankful for my arthritis. This apparent affliction has given me the opportunity to change careers and allows me to teach Jesus Christ to our students. I enjoy the chance to ignite a new zeal in Jesus and his Holy Catholic Church. God has blessed me more than abundantly.
~Tony Wojcik, St. Philip High School Theology Teacher

Our elementary school students are grateful for things great and small and bouncy.
I’m not only thankful for Mr. Wojcik but for all of the opportunities that I am able to obtain and follow through.
~Eve Hibbard, 10th grade
My whole family.
~Myla Slatyon, 2nd grade
I am thankful for my friends because they push me to do better.
I am thankful for family because they support me in any way possible. Because of my parents, I was able to attend St. Joseph and am now going to St. Philip.
I am thankful for my teachers because they’ve got a lot of patience and they want what is best for us.
I am thankful for being able to go to Doris Klaussen and help out.
~Tian Par, 10th grade
I’m thankful for the opportunity to serve the Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools as a middle school math teacher. I’m also thankful for my family, friends, good health, and my first grandbaby due in January.
~Molly Williamson, St. Joseph Middle School Math Teacher
I am thankful for learning. I am thankful that I have the ability to expand my knowledge and be better. I can improve on my understanding of others and the world.
~Prajval Singh, 10th grade
My family and my uncle.
~Mason Hood, 3rd grade

A turkey friend created by one of our fifth-graders.
I am thankful for my family, friends, food on the table, school, teachers, shelter, phone, home, and I am mostly thankful for God
~Veronica Par, 10th grade
I am thankful for family, our school and the great people I work with.
~Don Shafer, St. Joseph Middle School Theology Teacher
Well for one, I am super thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for friendship and love.
~Thomas McDaniel, 10th grade

Every middle school student expressed their thanks with an artistic turkey.
I am thankful for my friends.
~Clare Lussier, 6th grade
I am thankful for my family near and far.
~Ayesha Franklin, St. Joseph Schools Music Teacher
I am thankful for my grandparents, my mom, my friends, food, shelter, my family, school, God, being able to play sports, being able to walk around, and having the opportunity to attend the BCMSC.
~Harleen Deol, 10th grade
I am grateful for a school community where our parents are supportive and our students are respectful. It truly makes coming to work each day a joy!
~Katy Arnson, St. Joseph Middle School Administrative Assistant

Our elementary school students are grateful for things great and small and delicious.
Family and Friends.
~Jennitzy Talavera, 6th grade
I am thankful for the ability to worship God in a Catholic environment. I am thankful for a loving and supportive family and great teachers.
~Hayden Schaub, 10th grade
I am extremely thankful to work with students and staff who I consider to be my friends and family. I am also very thankful for the boy scouts and the hard-working hands that created the new chapel and grotto at the middle school. We are blessed to be a part of a school community that stands for the Pledge of Allegiance and kneels to pray.
~Katie Reed, St. Joseph Schools Assistant Principal
I am thankful for teachers, my dog and cat, my parents, my sisters, my house, and my friends.
~Andrew Cutshall, 10th grade

Our littlest Tigers created these harvest artworks with their thumbprints.
MMMMM, everybody.
~Helena Lan, 2nd grade
Those who serve others.
~Breanna Ingraham, 6th grade
A warm place to live.
~Joshua Ingraham, 10th grade
We are so blessed to have many generous supporters of our Battle Creek Area Catholic Schools giving of their time, talent, and treasure to ensure the long-term viability of Catholic education in Battle Creek. We are so thankful for all the volunteers and donors that step up to the plate to do what needs to be done for our Catholic schools. It is truly an honor to facilitate this connection between the donors and the school.
~Louanne McIntyre, BCACS Foundation Director

Happy pilgrims line the lockers of our elementary school.
Thinking about Giving Tuesday? Think about BCACS.
The 2018-19 Annual Campaign is underway, and we are over 15% of our $250,000 goal. Online giving is available at www.bcacs.org or mail your gift to BCACS Foundation at 63 North 24th Street, Battle Creek, MI 49015.