Have you visited www.bcacs.org lately? You should. We retooled this online resource for you.
It doesn’t matter if you are a current school family, a former school family, a prospective school family, or a supporting school family, www.bcacs.org is mobile-friendly and ready serve across all devices at all hours.
We know emails get lost and kids “forget” about field trips, which is why we focused most of our energy on serving our current school families.
The “Current Family” portal on our home page brings all your tools into one place. Each school has an individual page where that schools’ resources like dress codes, handbooks, forms and volunteer opportunities are one click away.
“Quick Links” provides quick access to common resources including calendars, school closings, student’s grades, staff directories, tuition through FACTS, enrollment, SCRIP, and more.
All emails and phone numbers are clickable, making quick access to teachers and staff.
We now have a system-wide Google calendar, featuring athletic schedules, Mass days, testing dates, even OODC days. Click any event for additional details, including maps and instructions, which come in handy for away games. Every school has a code, so you can easily see what pertains to high school versus preschool versus all schools. Times for full days and half-days are at the top of the screen.
We also have a hot lunch menu for TK-12, so parents and students know what to expect.
The “Join Our Family” portal on our home page consolidates resources for our prospective families, including information about our schools, our programs, and how to start the enrollment process.
The “Always Family” portal on our home page consolidates resources for our school alumni. They can access their digital yearbooks, check on alumni events, update their contact information, and nominate fellow alumni for awards and honors, and much more online.
The “Support Our Family” portal on our home page consolidates resources for our BCACS Foundation. Information about helping our schools, as well as Foundation scholarships, are housed here in easy-to-use places.
Our new site makes it easy to see what our schools are doing now, housing our BCACS Blog, as well as our new publication “Tigers Tracks”. There are quick links to our schools’ YouTube Channel and Facebook Page.
Our design team created every page with a smartphone in mind. If you want a one-tap app on your phone, call up www.bcacs.org in your phone’s browser, tap on the top menu and select “add to home screen”.
And, of course, it looks great on a computer or tablet.
Click around and see for yourself. Let us know if there is something we missed or something you would like to see. We want www.bcacs.org to be your go-to resource.