Mark Sprague
Mark Sprague likes to help people.
When choosing an Eagle Scout project, Mark implemented a care package program for the homeless.
When choosing a career, Mark chose psychology.
“I’m a problem-solver,” Mark said. “Helping people solve their problems is interesting to me.”
Confidentiality made an internship with a psychologist impossible, so Mark took a position at St. Joseph School.
“I thought I could help kids with stress management,” Mark said.
One instance was the middle school Passion Play. Mark helped students prepare and, more importantly, relax.
His secret?
“Laugher and actual work,” Mark said. “Make them laugh is my number one way to take down stress. I also helped them go over their lines, so they were as prepared as possible. Studying makes it a little easier because you know you’re doing something instead of sitting there and just worrying about it. ”
Mark will attend Aquinas College this fall.
Chloe Worden
Chloe Worden has “social media consumer” as a skill on her resume, one she used during her senior internship at the Calhoun County Visitors Bureau.
“I wrote blog posts for their website and worked with their social media,” Chloe said.
Chloe’s faith was another skill during her internship.
“I have noticed when working with social media, you strive to have the company represented in the best way possible,” Chloe said. “It is also essential to make sure you are always being honest. Coming from a Catholic background, this part of the internship has been easy for me.”
Chloe will study advertising and public relations at Michigan State University this fall.
An active honor student and multi-sport athlete, Chloe’s favorite part of high school were the friendships and summer vacation.
“In the summer we would have class bonfires a lot, and we would all come together and hang out,” Chloe said.
Samuel Conkey
Sam Conkey is a creative person.
He’s creative when he reads St. Philip’s announcements.
“During Christmas, I would do a Santa voice,” Sam said. “During Halloween, I did a Dracula voice. During Spirit Week we had a Disney theme, so I did a Mickey Mouse and Goofy bit.”
He’s creative when he portrays school mascot Tiger Phil.
“You’ve got to be very animated,” Sam said. “And don’t talk. No mascot ever talks.”
Sam didn’t consider a creative career until halfway through the law enforcement program at the Calhoun Area Career Center.
“I’ve always been good at art, and I realized if I’m going to do something I should do it because I’m good at it and I enjoy it,” Sam said.
One of the things Sam enjoys is video games and has dappled in landscape and character graphic design. He is working on his portfolio, hoping to attend art school.
Lillian Schulz
Lilly Schulz is a multi-sport athlete and a member of the academic top ten. Volunteering, however, held the key to her future.
“I became interested in nonprofit work after volunteering to be the National Honors Society’s student blood drive coordinator for the American Red Cross,” Lilly said.
Lilly’s senior internship research took her to the Battle Creek Community Foundation.
“I saw how the BCCF was helping out my local community,” Lilly said. “I wanted to get involved and help this organization. I was unsure if they even offered internships…[but] it doesn’t hurt to ask.”
It certainly didn’t. Lilly ended up with the position and affirmation.
“My internship only set in stone my desire to go into nonprofit work,” Lilly said.
Lilly will attend Grand Valley State University this fall.
“Grand Valley has an amazing non-profit and philanthropy program, which is what I want to do for my career,” Lilly said.