Lauren McIntyre
Lauren McIntyre is in the top ten of her class, a Math and Science Center student, a multi-sport athlete, and a member of several clubs.
She does have favorites.
“Soccer and robotics,” Lauren said.
This four-year soccer starter is in her second year as captain. Her interest in robotics began when she joined the MSC robotics team as a junior.
“I thought it would be cool,” Lauren said. “I had to learn how to program the robot as I went, but I really liked it.”
Lauren became the team’s head programmer her senior year and is seriously considering studying computer science or environmental science at Michigan State University.
“MSU is a big school, which gives me the opportunity to meet new people and try new things,” Lauren said.
Will there be robots? Possibly.
“Hopefully, they will be the kind of robots that make the world more energy efficient,” Lauren said.
Yuan Kuang
Yuan Kuang has enjoyed his two years at St. Philip Catholic Central High School.
“It was a good experience,” Yuan said. “People here are friendly and patient.”
A citizen of Guangdong, China, Yuan came to America as an exchange student for one main reason.
“I wanted to learn a different culture,” Yuan said.
Of the many differences, one American norm earned Yuan’s particular appreciation.
“There is less school time,” Yuan said. “In China, we start at 7:30 a.m. Our classes end at 6 p.m., but we have to stay and work on our assignments until 9 p.m.”
There were some similarities for Yuan.
He played saxophone for the school orchestra in China, and he plays saxophone for the St. Philip Marching Band and Concert Band here. Like many of his STP classmates, Yuan plans to attend a college in America after graduation. His first choice is the University of Nebraska.
Madison Haywood
Madison Haywood is comfortable on the stage.
“I’ve done a lot of theater in my life,” Madison said.
She has performed in over 25 productions for both community and professional theaters. She has worked backstage on several children productions.
Madison is also comfortable in the classroom.
She will graduate in the top ten of her class. She earned third place in the Diocese of Kalamazoo St. Thomas Aquinas Scholarship competition.
Madison’s plan was to dual-major at the University of Michigan in literature and art, as well as theater and dance. Her senior internship shadowing an Oaklawn Medical Group nurse practitioner has her rethinking things.
“I am now heavily considering the medical field, specifically nurse practitioner,” Madison said. “I can definitely see myself doing that as a career.”
Nursing or art, Madison is glad she’s going to Michigan.
“I am comfortable at Michigan because they have so many options,” Madison said.
Matt Squire
Matt Squire isn’t fond of term projects, but this Math and Science Center student found one illuminating.
“We had to create a video game, and I went a little overboard,” Matt said. “I expected to fail, but it worked out, and I was happy.”
Matt plans to study computer science at Grand Valley State University, and might even design computer games one day.
“I’ll just see what happens,” Matt said.
A four-year member of the band and the soccer team, Matt spent most of his free time achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. He built bluebird houses for the Humane Society of Southwest Michigan’s dog walking trails for his Eagle Scout project.
Bluebirds are endangered.
“Bluebird houses have a lot of specific details,” Matt said. “It was a lot of work. I heard from the Humane Society over spring break, and they’ve seen a couple of bluebirds, so that’s good.”