Joey Gallaway
Joey Gallaway has a heart for service and an eye on the stars.
He served an electrical apprenticeship at the Regional Manufacturing Technical Center working with circuits and transformers. Enjoying the work, he decided to pursue his studies at Lansing Community College.
Why Lansing?
“My cousin is up there,” Joey said. “He has had a lot of surgeries. I wanted to go up there to be close to him and help him out.”
Joey also had his eye on the air force, particularly in aerospace engineering. This spring he took the practice ASFAB, the test the military uses to assess aptitude and future placement.
“I got a really good score on it,” Joey said. “After that, I looked up all the jobs and what my score applies to.”
Aerospace engineering was on the list.
After some consideration, Joey decided to enlist now, serving his country and reaching for the stars.
Emily Cutshall
Emily Cutshall got more than she bargained for while interning at the law firm of Tomak, Podolsky & Hultink.
“I got really lucky with my internship,” Emily said.
Emily helped write judgments and orders. She observed real trials, some of which involved difficult circumstances.
“That experience taught me that I am going to have to learn how to stomach things that make me uncomfortable if I want to become an attorney,” Emily said.
Emily conducted a mock client interview, which included drafting a motion she will argue in front of Judge Yost Johnson.
“I had to be professional but also caring and compassionate,” Emily said. “Lawyers must be attorneys and counselors for their clients.”
Emily did so well the law firm offered her a summer job as a paralegal.
Attending Kellogg Community College this fall to “stay fresh”, Emily will study pre-law at Thomas Aquinas College or Hillsdale in 2018.
Jacob Janofski
Jacob Janofski’s future is wide open.
“I have considered so many careers,” Jacob said. “Real estate was last year. Now I’m leaning towards business. I wanted to be a teacher at one point. There are so many.”
When it came to his senior internship, Jacob heard Kyra Rabbitt, director of student services, talking about the Battle Creek Police Department intern program. He thought it would be interesting.
“It was super fun,” Jacob said. “I really enjoyed it.”
He rotated through the station, accompanied officers on ridealongs, worked in the drug lab, observed trails, and participated in active shooter training.
In the end, it wasn’t for him.
“I don’t think I want to be a cop,” Jacob said. “I think I would be too nice.”
Jacob plans to continue his career exploration at Kellogg Community College this fall.
“I just want to figure out what I want to do,” Jacob said.
Chelsea Kubasiak
Chelsea Kubasiak wants to work in healthcare. She isn’t sure where, but she knows where it won’t be.
“Something in the medical field that is not a doctor but not nursing, but definitely in the healthcare field,” Chelsea said.
Taking her father’s suggestion, this honor roll student entered the Calhoun Area Career Center’s 21st Century Health program.
“I loved it,” Chelsea said.
While there, she completed clinical rotations in the emergency room, wound care, occupational therapy, neuroscience, and dentistry.
“I hated all of them,” Chelsea said with a chuckle. “I just keep ruling stuff out. Everything I want to do I go job-shadow and it’s not for me.”
Chelsea will graduate in the top ten of her class. She dual-enrolled at Kellogg Community College during high school, taking classes in anatomy and physiology. This fall, she will continue her studies at KCC, looking for her place in the healthcare field.