Like most Battle Creek Area Catholic School parents, “BCACS” is part of my vocabulary. At first, saying those letters together felt like a tongue twister. After 12 years, it glides off my tongue with ease.

Those five letters represent more than a school system. They represent my kids’ teachers, administrators, and coaches. They represent priests, lay ministers, and music directors. They represent my kids’ friends and their families. They represent hundreds of donors who enable our schools to endure. They represent three parish families, who have functioned as a collaborative for our BCACS community long before Bishop Bradley grouped them as such.

BCACS is a community with roots that shoot one hundred years into the ground and branches that shade Battle Creek from end to end. We’re a family, but as anyone with a family knows, it isn’t always easy to stay in touch. Sometimes family members are overlooked. Sometimes there are misunderstandings. That’s why we started this blog. It’s for our BCACS family.

What will you find here?

A little news, a little humor, a little inspiration, a little companionship. If the BCACS had a kitchen table, this would be it. I don’t know about your family, but we always end up in the kitchen. It’s where the food is. It’s where the best conversations happen.

Have a question? Send them to us. No doubt others have the same question. We’ll get the answers. Want to highlight a special teacher or school moment? We would be happy to share it with our community. Confused about a policy or need more information about the high school math program? Ask us.

Not all of us are the same, which makes our community so amazing, but all of us care about our kids. We all need Jesus and we’re all in this together.

The kitchen is open and I am privileged to be your host. The email address is We are all ear.

One story behind the numbers
Questions? Call Cathy Erskine at 269.963.1131